I would like to thank everyone who visits the site. We now have over 6,000 page visits per month! Thank you for making this one of your places for Torah.
Today is Rosh Chodesh, and tonight—Rosh Chodesh Adar (Sheini in leap years)—is my birthday. I am celebrating with my family, and G-d willing, I plan to recite all of Sefer Tehillim on Shabbos morning as an expression of gratitude to the Ribono Shel Olam for His endless kindness throughout my life. Every second, He grants me chesed upon chesed, and I owe everything to Him.
Once again, I'd like to ask for donations for a few important things. I understand that everyone is financially stretched, but I’m sharing these needs in case anyone is able to help:
1. Domain Renewal (Urgent – 3 Weeks Left!)
The domain for the site is about to expire in three weeks, and I currently don’t have the funds to renew it. Will the money come? Of course. But as of now, I don’t have it. If you’d like the zechus of covering this completely or partially, you can acquire many zechuyot of Torah for a minimal investment.
2. Matanos L’Evyonim (Purim – 2 Weeks Away!)
There are many needy people in Tzfat who rely on Purim for help. Make them happy! If you have the means—some people are blessed in this area, some are not—please help out. Even $18 can make a difference.
3. A Small Birthday Wish – A New Printer for Spreading Torah
If the Torah on this site has helped you, spoil me a little for my birthday! I’m looking to buy a new printer to print and distribute Torah locally. It costs 2,200 shekels, which isn’t a huge amount, but printers only last about 2–3 years, and I need a new one.
4. Long-Term: Website Subscription Renewal (June 2025)
The one-year website subscription expires in June, and the renewal cost for another one or two years is several thousand shekels. I don't remember the exact amount, but it’s not cheap. If you'd like to help secure the site’s future, any support is appreciated.
How to Donate
You can make a generous donation via PayPal using this link: paypal.me/TorahLecturesInc
Let me know where you’d like the money to go.
Thank you, and Chodesh Tov!