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Treats for the Shabbos Table - Vayakhel 5785 - English, Hebrew, Russian, Spanish

Writer: torahlecturestorahlectures

Pesach is approaching, and I could use your help

Unlike large nonprofits with many workers and a steady flow of donations, this site is run by one person with the sole mission of bringing you Torah that you may not find anywhere else—Torah that brings light into our lives.

I’ve dedicated the past six years to sharing Torah here, covering nearly all the expenses myself. (While I’ve been blessed with a couple of generous donors along the way, their support alone isn’t enough to cover everything.) If the Torah on this site has brought value to your life, I would truly appreciate your support. Your donations will help me cover the costs of running the site and ease the financial burdens of preparing for Pesach.

If you’d like to share how this Torah has impacted you, your words give me chizuk (encouragement) to keep going. Feel free to email me at—I’d love to hear from you.

There is no obligation—this Torah is here for everyone, freely available. But if you are in a position to give, your kindness will make a real difference.

Tizku l’mitzvot, and thank you for being part of this journey.

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May all the Torah shared on this site be a zechus for

Zev ben Dovid Hakohein and Gittel bas Aryeh Leib, both of blessed memory


Yehuda Leib ben Chaim Moshe and Chaya Hena bas Mordechai Shlomo, both of blessed memory

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